In February YEPP held a Council meeting in Tirana, Albania hosted by FRPD entitled “Green Economy and Growth”.  During the seminar YEPP met with the Albanian Deputy Minister of Economy, the Albanian DeputyMinister of EU Integration, and the Albanian Prime Minister.  During the meeting, besides intensive discussions on green economy and investment YEPP also debated the following resolutions in its Council meeting:
– Resolution on human rights for all
– Resolution on erasmus voting rights
– Resolution on Energy Security, JU Germany
– Resolution on enlarging the right to vote
– Resolution on the efficient use of water
– Resolution on European Electronic Signatures
– Resolution on ‘Commitment on international rule of law’
– Resolution ‘On secret ballot voting in the European Parliament’
– Resolution on arms exports, JONGCDV Belgium
– Resolution on Exclusive Economic Zone
– Resolution on the Future of European Air Quality
– Resolution on Gender Equality
YEPP extends a big thank you to our Albanian hosts and our participants who made the meeting so fruitful.